Community Engagement

A Forestry Partnership – EVERGROW Christmas Trees Co.
A family tradition passed down through generations inspired an idea, and from there a successful partnership was born. Sean Macalister met Jeff Ferguson in 2005. They became fast friends and both were enrolled in the Bachelor of Science Forestry program at the University of British Columbia. They soon discovered that they worked well together and had a similar visions and aspirations.

Serving Up Learning at Loon Lake: Peter Bentley Makes Largest-Ever Gift to Forestry
Imagine you’re a kid who has cancer. One of the great joys of your summer is attending Camp Goodltimes at Loon Lake. You get to explore the forest, swim in the lake, and hang out with other kids who are going through the same things you are. You’ve got bunk beds, scary campfire stories; the whole thing. Except for a place to eat. There are 130 kids and counsellors in your group, and the dining hall only fits 90. At every meal you have about a one-in-three chance of eating outside, rain or shine.

Englehart Artwork
Lou Englehart traveled through BC during the 1970s and 1980s painting beehive burners. A symbol of the lumber industry in British Columbia, the burners were slowly disappearing as forestry practices changed and Lou captured many of these burners before they were destroyed. The Englehart family has generously donated the vast majority of the collection of burner paintings to the Faculty of Forestry.